About Us
Our History
Located in the heart of Texas, San Antonio is a historically rich and culturally vibrant city. The San Antonio Fil-Am International Seventh-day Adventist Church offers a worship experience within a community that represents a unique glimpse of heaven with an eclectic mix of nationalities. In everything we do, we seek to carry out our mission to uplift Jesus, disciple people for Jesus, and to grow in loving fellowship while awaiting His soon return.
Whether you’ve had enough of the Texas heat during your business convention, stationed here for a while in military city, or just scouting out options for your new church home – when you walk through our doors, you are always welcomed. We not only love to serve the Lord and worship Him together, we love to have a good time as church family. You will discover a full calendar offering plenty of opportunities to grow your faith and healthy relationships in a Christian atmosphere.
From dedicated time for prayer and bible study, weekly Wednesday Manna small groups at the church, Children’s Church, youth and young adult activities, and a number of community outreach initiatives – there’s a place for you to plug-in to this incredible community on a mission to impact San Antonio with a desperately needed Gospel message of hope.
We’re so glad you’ve discovered our online home and we hope this website gives you a good sense of who we are, but we’d really love to have the pleasure of meeting you in person during one of our upcoming services or events. Come join us!

Our Beliefs
Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as the only standard of faith and practice, and teach that salvation only comes from grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This theology is really not so different from some other Protestant denominations, as the Seventh-day Adventist Church was birthed out of a combination of elements from the Lutheran, Anabaptist and Wesley-Arminian branches of Protestantism.
At San Antonio Fil-Am International SDA Church, we embrace the philosophy that God loves everybody, regardless of race or religion, and that we all are His children.
How We Differ
There are, however, four (4) areas where Seventh-day Adventists differ in our beliefs from other mainstream Christian denominations.
- Observance of the Sabbath Day
- Doctrine of the Second Coming of Jesus and the Millennium
- Doctrine of the Heavenly Sanctuary
- The status of the writings of Ellen G. White.
For additional information about the Seventh-day Adventist Church, please visit www.adventist.org. If you are interested in personal bible study, please contact us for more information.